Box Newel Store operates under Stair Fittings, Inc. The products sold on are manufactured by Stair Fittings and we are located in West Jordan, UT, USA.
Box Newel Store offers a fresh approach and pleasant experience to purchasing Box Newels. The reason Stair Fittings, Inc. exists is to manufacture the highest quality stair parts at a fair price, ship them when we said we would, and offer the highest level of customer service possible. Our desire is to have the consumer, stair installer, home builder, and wholesaler keep purchasing our products because their experience at SFI and was so pleasant that they wouldn’t think of going elsewhere. We know this is a tall order but that’s why we exist, that is what we strive for. Thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to showing you we mean what we say.
9469 Bagley Park Road
West Jordan, UT 84081
Please call for an appointment